Thursday 28 November 2013

HTML5 Element Index

Double-Colon for Pseudo-Elements

To differentiate between pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, in CSS3 all pseudo-elements have a double-colon syntax. So instead of: :before, you do ::before.

All browsers are going to support the single-colon syntax, pretty much indefinitely, to abide by good design principles.

So that means we won’t be using the double-colon syntax until all browsers that don’t support it (including IE8, the current browser leader) are completely gone — which might not be for at least 2 or 3 years, and probably more.

( :root ) in css

The :root selector allow  you to target the highest-level 'Parent' element in the dom, or document.

We can take advantage of being able to apply CSS to the  <html> element to skip the wrapper div and keep our markup clean!

Browser Support for CSS3 Selectors

The Status of the ::selection Pseudo-element?

HTML5 Boilerplate put the ::selection pseudo-element on the map, so to speak, most CSS developers now a days have been including this selector as part of their universal styles.

HTML5 Element Index

Head Part
  • Doctype
  • Title
  • Base
  • Link
  • Meta
  • Style
  • Script
  • Noscript
  • body
  • article
  • nav
  • aside
  • section
  • header
  • footer
  • h1-h6
  • main
  • address
  • p
  • hr
  • pre
  • blockquote
  • ol
  • ul
  • li
  • dl, dt, dd
  • figure
  • figcaption
  • div
  • table
  • caption
  • thread
  • tbody
  • tfoot
  • tr, th, td
  • col, colgroup
  • form
  • fieldset
  • legend
  • label
  • input
  • button
  • select
  • datalist
  • optgroup, option
  • textarea
Form 2 HTML5
  • keygen
  • output
  • progress
  • meter
  • detail
  • summary
  • command
  • menu
  • img
  • iframe
  • embed
  • object
  • param
  • video
  • audio
  • source 
  • canvas
  • track
  • map
  • area
  • a
  • em
  • strong
  • i, b
  • u
  • a
  • small
  • abbr
  • q
  • site
  • dfn
  • sub, sup
Text-level 2 HTML5
  • time
  • code
  • kdb
  • samp
  • var
  • mark
  • bdi
  • bdo
  • ruby, rt, rp
  • span
  • br
  • wbr

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