Monday 9 December 2013

Stop Cooking Live Animals In China

Putting a live dog, or any animal, in boiling water, or a hot oven, or using a blow torch on cats, is not only blatantly wrong, without further explanation---but if one is necessary it is TORTURE. 

The 'reason' that is given for cooking animals alive is that they simply "taste better" after their bodies are adrenaline-soaked with fear and pain. 'Taste' is never an excuse for unspeakable cruelty, nor is 'culture' an excuse. 

China is making so many strides to become a first world country, but with all due respect, with this kind of accepted culinary method, China AND Korea will be looked upon as backward nations by the rest of the civilized world (one foot in the 21st century and one foot in a primitive age). 

Any animal placed in boiling water or cooked, while still alive, in any manner is obviously terrified, in unimaginable pain, despair and doomed to a slow and lingering death. Animals in the food chain should, at the very least, be given the most humane death possible.

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